
5 Reasons to hire a professional website developer

5 reasons to hire web developer

I have been working on websites for the last 8 years, and the main thing I observed is that the technology is changing every few months from core languages like HTML, CSS, and js to big frameworks like WordPress, Wix, Squarespace, Shopify etc. These things are so technical that a person with a non-technical background does not have enough time to learn new stuff.  Any business or person thinks 100 times to invest dollars in the website or any platform that can generate leads. You will need to focus on many reasons and methods by which this website can be essential and gives you a good ROI(Returns on Investment). Let’s talk briefly about how a professional website developer can fix the most crucial problems when running an online business.  Suggest the best-suited platform with your requirements and the audience you are focusing on. Regularly updates the website with the latest technology trends like speed and security. Can apply the most relatable marketing tactics to improve your ROI. It can give you an excellent permanent revenue source. Can fix in-between website issues and suggest new ways to explore more possibilities. Let’s detail how these things are becoming more and more problematic nowadays. And also how a professional website developer/designer can fix these issues regularly with minimal cost. Let’s Start 5 Reasons To hire a Professional website developer Suggest the best-suited platform with your requirements and the audience you are focusing on. Suppose you are starting a new business, confused with the latest technologies. Then a professional web developer can help you in many ways. He will ask you a few questions like what is your business type, who your audience is etc.  You will need to give all the answers in deep detail as possible. If you tell your complete requirements, it can help a developer to make a vision for your online business. He will suggest what things to focus on first. What conditions you should improve? He will analyse based on the following aspects:- Your company type Your audience, i.e. their location, device types etc. Amount of audience Future of market Affordable and reliable mode of presence. After deep analysis, he will suggest the best-suited service, whether WordPress, Shopify, Wix, Squarespace or a custom web app that can boost your business. Regularly updates the website with the latest technology trends like speed and security. Anyone can develop a website with basic knowledge of how to make a website for business. But keep it running and stand out from the rest of the competitors. With changing technology, there are new challenges every day. A professional keeps updating his knowledge with new methods to stay in the competition organically.  A developer can improve website UI/UX regularly to make your content more readable. It will make your audience stay longer and find related content more quickly. This helps in making the bounce rate lower and improves visibility. Each of these things is connected. They help develop organic lead generation, automatically improving sales and leads. New technology -> New challenges -> New Solutions -> Organic Growth -> Good Sales/Leads Can apply the most relatable marketing tactics to improve your ROI The business has many categories, each of which has a different way of communicating with people. Some require social media engagement; some require direct sales; some require form submissions, whereas others may require direct calls or messages. Read 5 Star Reviews for a professional website developer An expert can apply the best marketing techniques to help lead generation or sales. You will find exponential change in terms of website visitors and conversions. An expert will often increase ROI by advertising your products on several platforms. It can give you an excellent permanent revenue source. We all like a permanent revenue source even if we are earning well with the business. An expert can transform your dull platform into a creative and good income source. He will find all the possibilities by which your website can perform better, whether it is UI/UX, content, marketing etc. He can easily update these things regularly to improve your sales and generate regular money. Web expert is always valuable for optimising web pages and writing regular content to improve visibility. You can show ads and do affiliate marketing on your website to have quality cash in your bank accounts. OLD WEBSITE -> CHANGES -> NEW EARNING SOURCE* Can fix in-between website issues and suggest new ways to explore more possibilities Suppose you are already running a website and earning well with it. Still, you are facing problems with your website. Sometimes it just shows server errors, on-page errors etc. You will need an expert to fix them soon so your audience will not be disappointed. I know you know about digital marketing or how a website works. But you may need an expert to fix server-side issues regularly due to rapid technological change. There can be updates of the services you are using and not compatible with the hardware. Conclusion: Hiring a website expert is not a bad idea when you are running a website or planning to launch a new one. He can give you many suggestions to work on. You will be amazed to see post results. I hope you have found something useful while reading 5 reasons to hire a professional website developer. 

How to optimize WordPress Website without plugins?

optimise website

Optimize (Optimise) wordpress website without plugins: Speeding up WordPress website is essential for any personal or business portfolio. Moreover, your website speed is a major factor in SEO. I will show you how to optimize a WordPress website without any plugins. The page loading speed can affect your business. It influences everything user satisfaction, from traffic to bounce rate to conversions, and, ultimately, profits. Slow speed websites lead to lost customers or audience. In this tutorial, we gonna look up how you can improve website speed without using plugins. We are going to make some tweaks that will improve GTmetrix, google page insights (Lighthouse) and obviously Pingdom speed test. Let’s get started on how to optimise website 1. wp-config tweaks: As WordPress continuously uses database queries we need to optimise queries that are being called by WordPress. Below are some scripts which can do this task for you. You can find wp-config.php in WordPress (or website) home directory. 2. PageSpeed-Leverage browser caching: This is a simple tweak that will optimise your website, You can set cache of static content easily with the below script (best for WordPress but can be used with other websites also): Go to the home directory of your website then edit .htaccess file copy the following code at the end of the file. This will help a lot in WordPress optimization without any plugin. read more about PageSpeed: Leverage browser caching 3. GZIP compression: What is GZIP-Compression? how it affects in website optimisation? Gzip compression is a method which can compress or decompress various text files in a website like HTML, CSS, js etc. When enabled GZIP compression on a website, it compresses the files inside the server and then handovers to the client. Automatically, it improves a website’s speed, load time, and saves bandwidth of hosting and data usage of the user. This is another quick tweak to compress various files that are used by WordPress in the backend. So this also required .htaccess file to have the following code paste it in the end and save it. 4. Enable DEFLATE Compression in .htaccess: Deflate is kind of lossless data compression format that uses a combination of Huffman coding and LZSS. In the apache server, you can use the following code in your .htaccess file, which presents in the website’s home directory. You can check top 10 free website hosting and some free subdomain sites here: optimize WordPress without any plugins. Some bonus tips for WordPress Website: 1. Hide wordpress version Hiding a WordPress version will make hackers difficult to find active vulnerabilities for your website. To hide it add following code in functions.php file in your theme folder or add it using any plugin (not recommended): 2. Disable login error hints It makes bots or hackers very difficult to know if any of username or password is correct. Below code can hide it just place it in functions.php in your theme folder. “optimize WordPress without plugins” 3. Update wordpress and plugins (php also) Using up to date WordPress version and plugin help in WordPress website optimization without any other plugins. As new versions are more optimized than before, it also secures your website by eliminating new vulnerabilities. Also, update the PHP version in your hosting to a more recent stable version (try to set 1 version lesser than the more recent version but not a very low version). Conclusion: Website speed matters a lot in building an online reputation and client transformation. Moreover, it is also required to have a Good speed when we need SEO. Above a few tweaks can improve your website’s page score easily, but there are more to be listed. For more info on how to optimize WordPress websites without plugins. Topic: optimize (optimise) WordPress Website without plugins